Wilson County Republican Party
2023 Mass Convention
Saturday, February 11, 2023, starting at 9:00 a.m.
James E. Ward Agricultural Center West Room in East/West Bldg.
945 E Baddour Pkwy Lebanon, TN 37087
To secure your attendance at the WCRP Convention, please preregister by midnight Friday, February 10, 2023.
Doors will open at 8:00a.m. to facilitate entry.
NOTE: Pre-registration will close at 11:59 p.m. CST on Friday, February 10, 2023.
Convention Attendance Criteria:
✓ Current Wilson County registered voter.
✓ Must be an active member of the Republican Party.
✓ Must be a Bona Fide Republican.
✓ In order to avoid any undue delay the morning of the convention, each attendee is strongly encouraged to pre-register for attendance.
Convention Voting Criteria:
In order to vote in the elections of Officers attendees must be:
✓ Current Wilson County registered voter.
✓ Must be an active member of the Republican Party.
✓ Must have voted in three (3) of the last four (4) statewide Republican primary elections –
August 2022, August 2020, March 2020, August 2018
✓ Must be a Bona Fide Republican as defined in our Bylaws.
If you have not been a registered voter in Wilson County long enough to have voted in three of the last four statewide primary elections and desire voting credentials, prior to Thursday, February 9, 2023, email Terri Nicholson, WCRP Contest & Credential Committee Chairman, at with the following information:
1) your name as it appears in voter registration records,
2) your current address associated with your current voter registration,
3) the address of your most recent voting residence prior to registering in Wilson County, and
4) a certified copy of your voting record from your prior residence.
The following are requirements for candidates of the County Executive Committee (CEC):
✓ Current Wilson County registered voter.
✓ Candidates for Chairman must have voted in three (3) of the last three (3) statewide Republican primary elections.
✓ Candidates for all other positions must have voted in three (3) of the last four (4) statewide Republican primary elections.
– August 2022, August 2020, March 2020, August 2018
✓ For Regional Vice-Chairs, you must be a resident of the region in which you seek office.
✓ Review and agree to WCRP Bylaws and officer job descriptions, By-Laws, Links, Values — Republican Party of Wilson County, Tennessee (
✓ Review and agree to WCRP Rules, By-Laws, Links, Values — Republican Party of Wilson County, Tennessee (
The term of service is two years. Elected officers must uphold the duties and standards as outlined in the WCRP bylaws. This is a working group of volunteers that involves monthly executive committee meetings and other appointed business. Please do not submit your candidacy for a position if you do not have the time or interest to serve our Party.
The following CEC positions will be on the convention ballot:
Vice Chairman
Vice Treasurer
Vice Secretary
✓ Except for Chairman, to facilitate the vetting process, prior to Tuesday, February 7, 2023, please submit your name, contact information, and candidacy for which position via email to the Contest and Credentials Committee Chairman at Candidates for Executive Committee office who do not have a sufficient voting history in Wilson County to meet the voting history requirements must submit a certified voting history from their previous residency to meet the requirements.
If you want to submit your name for nomination for the position of Chairman, you MUST submit your name and complete contact information to the Chairman of the Contest and Credentials Committee. This information MUST be received by the C&C Chairman at least seven (7) days or more prior to the start of the convention or before 9:00a.m., Saturday, February 4, 2023. Names received after that time will not be considered for nomination to the position.
As we have done in recent conventions, we will reorganize this year by following slightly modified procedures for a Mass Convention. There will be district meetings to select District Chairs, and, except for Chairman, there may be nominations for members of the County Executive Committee from the floor during this Mass Convention.
The contact information for the Chairman of the Contest and Credentials Committee is:
Wayne McNeese
P.O. Box 124
Mt. Juliet, TN 37121
The contact information for the current Chairman of the Wilson Co. Republican Party is:
Brad Lytle
c/o Wilson County Republican Party
P.O. Box 124
Mt. Juliet, TN 37121
If you have questions related to election procedures and candidacy requirements, you can reference the links above or email the Chairman at